Ways of Making the Celebration Season More Sustainable

by Theo Stahl
Dec 20, 2023

As the end of the year gets closer and closer, celebrations such as Christmas and New Year's Eve approach. But did you know that just on Christmas Eve, 100 million bin bags of packaging get sent to landfills each year? Probably not, and that's understandable because of all the events happening, one can easily forget the impact of consumerism. But that also shows us the importance of raising awareness about sustainability towards the end of the year. In the following, I will present some ideas to celebrate more sustainably.

One of the best things in the celebration season is food. For many families, Christmas traditionally involves a roast goose. But as we all know, meat comes with a high emission of carbon dioxide. What one could do is to find other vegetarian alternatives. Another easy way of being more sustainable in terms of food is buying local ingredients, which come at a lower cost of emissions. Additionally, one can store leftovers in the freezer or in Tupperware instead of throwing them out.

When one wants to buy a Christmas tree, consider renting one in a pot, which can be replanted after the Christmas season. That way, one can enjoy the Christmas tree as normally but also help to stop deforestation. One business which implements this idea can be found here: https://replants.de/.

Moreover, the choice of decorations can play a huge role in terms of sustainability. By implementing reusable decorations from durable materials, you can save a lot of waste. For instance, one could buy fairy lights or make cardboard stars themselves, which makes a lot of fun.
Furthermore, giving gifts in the Christmas season often reveals the consumerism and overshadows the real essence of Christmas. Although transforming this into a more meaningful and sustainable event is not that difficult. Think twice about what to buy. Consider whether the gifted person really needs the gift. Try to buy recycled or upcycled gifts or even making them yourself. Wrapping the presents is what makes them special. But thinking of the million bin bags the wrapping produces is shocking.
But there are other unique wrapping methods such as wrapping in newspapers or putting the gifts in solid reusable cardboard boxes. That way, the effect is still there but in a more eco-friendly way.

Lastly, New Year's Eve is a special time where people celebrate into the new year. A lot of alcohol is consumed and fireworks fill the sky with beautiful colors. But the amount of waste and air pollution they produce is disproportionate to the fun they provide. Additionally, one has to consider that the loud bangs are terrifying for some animals like dogs and even humans. A better way would be to have community fireworks and restrict the private fireworks, which would also prevent injuries.

To conclude, Christmas and New Year's Eve are celebrations where friends and family come together and have a wonderful time. What is often overlooked is the consumerism and high wastage associated with these festivities. Therefore, it is important to find ways to make this celebration season more sustainable.